Join us for another exciting year of courses and resources.
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The Following classes will be conducted
from January-December 2012, (unless otherwise noted).
Back to Basics Boot
Camp For Writers!
(4 week workshop) Need a refresher course on the rules of writing? Are you clueless about contractions? Spelling got
you in a spin? Do you think a homophone is a device to talk on?
Then you're a prime candidate for this fun, four-week class to
improve your writing "fitness". We'll cover subject/verb agreement, active vs.
passive voice, homophones, contractions, and more! Just because you
forgot what your English teacher taught you, doesn't mean you have
to produce poor writing. Here's the chance to buckle down and boost
your "bottom line" in the process! "Enlist" today.
Blogging 4 Profit
or Pleasure
(2-day mini-workshop)
Unless you�ve been living under a
rock lately you�ve heard the buzz about blogging. And hey, if you�ve
haven�t, there�s no better time than the present. Here�s the
perfect workshop to help fill in all the blanks! This 2-day workshop will address key
topics of this popular medium. Join this fun, information
packed forum and discover: the 5Ws of Blogging, how to start your
blog, a look at various software options, how to successfully
promote your blog, how to land blogging jobs, and more!
Creating Character
(4-week workshop) Do you want to know
how to write �character-driven� stories? Do you want to learn how
to create characters your readers will care about? Heroes that your
readers will love, and villains that they will hate? Then sign up
for this four-week course taught by internationally published
Victoria Grossack.
The First
Edit-Finding and Fixing Your Writing Errors
(5-week workshop)Could you do your own
first edit? Why would you want to?Learning to edit your own work is
an essential part of becoming a successful writer. Today�s agents
and editors have no interest in stumbling through poorly crafted
work. If you feel like your writing is not getting the attention it
deserves, it is probably because your thoughts are not being as
clearly communicated as you think they are.
Gothics (4-week
Gothics and
Gothic elements are hot right now. Publishers have created special lines for
them, and these books are flying off the shelves. But what exactly are Gothics? What are Gothic elements? And what publishers are we talking about
here? In this interactive course taught by multi-published Gothic writer Ayn
Hunt learn how to write Gothics, what Gothic elements are, how to use them
in other genres to make your book stand out, and which publishers are
seeking them now.
How to
Get Paid for Penning Your Two Cents
(4-week workshop)
Are you opinionated? Informed? Do others often seek
your advice? If you answered yes to these questions, you have the potential
to become a paid columnist. This class can show you how.
How to Quit
Your Day Job:
Making a Living as a Full-time Freelance
Writer (4-week workshop)
Not only can you make money writing, but with the right tools, you
can earn enough to make a full-time living at it. Learn to develop,
research, and write pieces suitable for publication in a number of
venues. This course is not only full of tips and strategies, but
also of checklists, tables, and handouts you will be able to use
long after the course is over. This is an intense, hands-on program,
so you should be prepared to work hard. By the end of the course,
you will have at least two pieces (and their respective query
letters) ready to be submitted.
Making a Scene
(2-day workshop)
New! Victoria Grossack teaches you to write scenes your
readers want to read over and over, by making
them satisfying, thrilling, and alive.
Recommendation for class: at least one scene on
you want to work. |
Promotions 101: From Beginning to End
(4 week workshop)Multi-published writer Ayn Hunt will show students the ins and outs of
pre-publication tools as well as the various types of promotion to make
their books stand out. In this eight-week, interactive course students will
learn how to write eye-catching queries to both agents and publishers, what
a synopsis is and isn�t, and how to write one; writing that all-important
marketing plan which many publishers and agents now require, and the
difference between e-publishers and traditional publishers. In addition,
students will also begin to practice on-line promoting which we�ll cover in
class; person-to-person, off-line promoting, which will also be discussed;
places students can list their books for free; the advantages and
disadvantages of doing on-line chats, giving talks, and speaking
engagements, and how to have a successful book-signing
Say Goodbye to Writer's
Block! (4-week workshop) Have you experienced a sense
of �stuckness� with your writing? Feel like it�s a struggle to move
forward even though the desire is there? Then this workshop is for
you. We will explore ten �blocks to change� that may be affecting
your writing goals. Additionally, several strategies will be
reviewed to help �unblock� your path to moving forward. Some blocks
explored include fear, procrastination, doubt, writer�s block, and
six others. We�ll explore how to use your mind, body, and spirit to
manage, reduce, or perhaps eliminate the impact of these blocks.
Savvy for Writers (4-week workshop) New!
The Internet is
competitive. There are more than 200 million websites. So how do you
get yours noticed? One of the best ways to increase traffic to your
webpage or blog is to employ search-engine optimization (SEO). SEO
is a set of tools that give you the power to increase your website's
visibility on a search engine's results. And greater visibility
means more readers. From keywords to anchor text, learn how to
manipulate sites like Google, Bing and Yahoo! to increase your
site's search-engine ranking.
Social Media Savvy
(4-week workshop) New! What's a retweet? What does it mean to
"like" a page? Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are
essential to a writer's marketing campaign. Publishing houses expect
prospective authors to use social media to build their own online
fan base. Meanwhile, self-publishers can use social media as an
affordable tool to promote book sales. Don't be behind the times.
Join the Web 2.0 world, and learn how to harness the immense power
of social media.
Management For Today's Writer (4-week workshop)
In today's demanding times, writing can be stressful for many.
Particularly when other commitments and obligations get in the way.
This workshop explores some basic facts about stress and how it can
affect you.
Participants will leave this skill-building workshop with tools that
will enable them to identify and work through stress, burnout and
compassion fatigue to be more effective in their lives and still
write. Students will have the opportunity to examine where they are
currently, in terms of what�s optimal stress and learn 12 different
strategies to implement to better combat stress. The doctor is in!
Words, Sentences, Scenes & More
(4-week workshop)Internationally published author Victoria Grossack
gives you insight into your writing, by teaching you how to focus on the
different levels of structure that impact your fiction - from the words that
make up your sentences and paragraphs, to the scenes and chapters and even
the structure of your book. Includes at least one critique by
facilitator of your five-page scene
Writing and Marketing Your Personal
Experiences (4-week workshop) Magazine and book readers like to relate to personal
experience stories. Through reading a piece with a problem similar to
theirs, they can learn, share the emotion, and feel they are not alone;
without being preached at or judged. Whether you have a story worthy
of a "Drama in Real Life" or a humorous look at cleaning the hall
closet, your average and not-so-average experiences can find homes in
print. Magazines, books, and anthologies are open to personal
experience pieces that teach, encourage, challenge, and make readers laugh
or cry.
Writing For
Children ( 4-week workshop) Writing
for Children isn't a childish endeavor. It takes knowledge of
children and their hopes and dreams and fears. It also takes
preparation, skill, and an understanding of the modern market.
Writers for children have a desire to challenge, encourage, inspire,
teach (without it being too obvious) and entertain their young
readers. Whether writing for children's magazines or books, for
those who are read to or those who read to themselves, there is a
great deal of hard work and excitement in this market.
Writing Historical
(4-week workshop)
Do you want to write good historical fiction? In this
course, internationally published Victoria Grossack shows you how to
make the past come to life and to lead, not lose, your readers on a
fascinating journey through time.
(Please note! The workshop is
conducted in English but if you are working or would be more
comfortable doing the assignments in German or French Victoria is
happy to work with you.)
Writing For
Magazines ( 4-week workshop) Want to
break into the print magazine and e-zine markets? Then you need to
understand magazines, including the different types of articles they
accept, how to study them for ideas, and how to put together a
winning query letter. Magazine articles come in all forms and
genres. Whether you want to write for religious, parenting, women's,
or general interest magazines, preparation will raise your chances
of becoming a published magazine writer.
Personal Editor (4-week workshop)
New! One of the
fastest ways to jump start your writing career is to hire an editor
to get the �skinny� on what�s working in your writing and what is
not. An editor may correct your grammar, spelling, and
punctuation�explain the how�s and why�s of sentence structure,
pacing, plot and character development, and hooks�and, in the case
of this course, accelerate your learning curve by giving you
individualized instruction on how to improve your writing. You will
submit an initial 10 pages and the editor will work through it,
marking potential changes through Word�s �track changes� function,
and letting you know the reasons for the suggested changes. The
actual number of pages edited will depend on the depth of changes
required, so prepare to submit rewrites and additional material.
With Coffeehouse for Writers Online
Workshops, all you need to improve your writing is an email address, a
little determination, and a lot of enthusiasm. Read our Frequently
Asked Questions to learn more, or check out
some testimonials from our workshop
To begin exploring, select from the organized topics below and click
the link to read the workshop syllabus and, if you're ready to discover
your writing talents, enroll in a workshop.
Note: Workshops marked "popular!"
often fill quickly. Register now so you won't miss out on this
If you have any questions about our workshops,
please write to us
for assistance.
Please read our Terms of Service
for information on registration and refund policies.