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Get Motivated What's a writing perc? Well, in this case "perc" is short for
"percolate." You might wonder how the Writing Perc will help you brew ideas. It's simple. We use the concept of freewriting to help you tap into your subconscious mind, where all the creative energy lies. In freewriting, we simply
write--no stopping to correct grammar or ponder our syntax. We get the words out, and we don't worry whether they are divine or ridiculous. To Subscribe to the
Writing Perc Share Your Freewriting NOTE: The Percolator is not a structured critique community. If you're looking for critique of your fiction, visit the Coffeehouse Select Critique Community. |
If You Want To Write This book so speaks to the contemporary writer that it is nearly impossible to believe it was originally published in 1938. Brenda Ueland sets forth not just a philosophy about how to write or how to create, but also about how to live. |