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Links for Writers

Find a Group That Meets in Your Area

http://www.kiwiwriters.org a writing group looking for new writers of all levels, based in New Zealand. this group is online and open to everyone around the world and all genres.

Writing Group, Kapiti Coast, New Zealand. Contact Stella, 04 9040482

North Texas Professional Writers Association Critique group for accomplished writers, meets in Bedford, Texas

Tampa Writers Alliance (TWA) meeting in Tampa, Florida

Boardman Ohio Writers Group.  Contact the local Barnes & Noble Booksellers for more information.

Bayou Writers Group Lake Charles, Louisiana.  Our group meets the first Saturday of each month at the Central Library on Pujo Street.

Chatham Writers Workshop. Chatham Massachusetts.  This group meets in at the Eldridge Public Library in downtown Chatham at 10:00 a.m. to noon on Tuesday. Bring works in progress up to 6 pages double spaced to read and critique. Emphasis is on works for publication. Note: This is not a memoirs group.

Aurora Writers Club.  Aurora Ontario.  This club meets meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 at the Town Center - (John Westway Blvd behind Tim Hortons, off Wellington Street). Writers 18 or older, of all writing levels and genres are welcome. Writing exercises, guest speakers.

Fountainbridge Writers' Group. Meets Every Wednesday From 6:00 pm until 7:45 pm. At 'Fountainbridge Library' 137 Dundee Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Come along and join us. It is open to all. The only cost to you is a small fee for the teas & coffees.

Southern California Writers Association  is a diverse group of over 100 writers of articles, short stories, novels of all genres, screenwriting, and poetry. Our group meets the third Saturday of each month at the Claim Jumper in Fountain Valley, California to hear guest speakers, have lunch, and network. Active since 1986.

Meetup-10 is a critique super-group that has many in-person critique subgroups that meet in Orange County, California on different days of the month. Meetup-10 also has an active email list for discussion on many topics of interest to its members.

Carteret Writers. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month in Morehead City, NC.

Chicago Writers Association--Online and in-person resource for writers providing an array of useful links, articles, opportunities, and events.


Find A Group That Shares Your Interests
Peace Corps Writers

www.katherinemansfield.org.uk This is a site that celebrates the life and works of Katherine Mansfield.  "We hope that Katherine Mansfield�s heroic example will spur on some young aspirant authors of today... Do not dream about �being a writer�. Write! If not now... when?"

Cheese Haiku at the Dairy Llama

The Women's Memoir Project The community of women memoir writers that welcomes beginning to advanced authors. Members enjoy unlimited access to thoughtful, positive critique, an online writing course, portfolios, internal messaging, and member profiles. You�ll find a supportive environment whatever your aspirations. Many published writers participate. Stephanie Montgomery, the creator and director, also hosts the Memoir Caf� radio show and reads members� stories on the air.

Writers Remember: Filling the Inkwell a free Web site, E-zine/newsletter, and forum, whose mission is to encourage writers to always remember their passion for writing. We feature some inspiring articles and tools to encourage the discouraged writer, and to remind writers to always make time to write for their own enjoyment and satisfaction.

SFNovelist is an Internet-based group that boasts an impressive membership of science-oriented writers and technical people from all over the world who share one goal: the desire to write good, readable Science Fiction novels that not only tell a great tale but maintain accurate and timely science and push the boundaries 'what if'. Active since 1997.

Writer Resources

Technical Writing  Enroll in our online technical writing school and improve the quality of your work!

Art Links List An arts directory.

http://www.explorewriting.co.uk/ A resource for aspiring writers.

Todays-Woman Writing Community Articles, workshops, free writers' community for men and women, publication how-to's and discussions, free e-books and weekly newsletter.

NorthWestWriters.com sells books by authors of the Pacific Northwest. We welcome new authors and/or self-published authors from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska & BC, Canada.

Authorlink  The award-winning marketplace for the publishing industry, where editors and agents buy and sell unpublished and published properties and serious writers get exposure to publishing professionals. Plus news, searchable databases, and other essential tools�among the longest-running, largest, and most trusted online publishing communities. Serving nearly one million unique visitors.

Word Dragon offers information about writers' markets.

Articles On Writing & Creativity

A Story Is a Promise

Tera's Wish

Fun Stuff

Instant Muse Poetry Generator
Name Your Characters - Naming Wizard


Lit.Org was established over 10 years ago to give writers a place to come together and help each other improve their writing skills. Often called "bootcamp for writers", Lit.Org is the perfect place to get feedback on your work and share your stories, poetry and ideas. Come network with other writers and hone your skills.

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