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Living the Writer's Life 

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That's what the Daily Grind is all about...living the writer's life. Whether you're struggling to carve time out of your day for writing, or frustrated by rejection letters, or just trying to keep your office organized, we've got tips for you.

The Daily Grind is a weekly tip-letter, despite the title, which refers to the daily grind of living life as a writer while raising a family and holding down a day job, and not the frequency of our mailings. If you'd like to read some back issues before you subscribe, you can check them out in our archives at Topica.com.

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About Our Daily Grind Tipster

John earned his B.A. from Cornell College ("a slice of New England academia tucked away on an Iowa hillside"), majoring in English and Philosophy.

He has a "real" job. He has a wife. He has a mortgage. He also has a passion for writing. John has written scripts for five award-winning educational films, has published several trade articles, written a book foreword, and produced a peppering of education/training handbooks. He has also begun a very respectable collection of short story rejection letters. John is currently grappling with a series of five non-fiction books in addition to his novel-in-progress, "Anytown."

John has been writing the Daily Grind tips since October of ought-one (in prospectors' speak).


A Writer's Book of Days
   by Judy Reeves

A Writer's Book of Days is a wonderful motivational tool, but it's also a delicious book full of advice that will, quite simply, make you feel like writing.


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