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Write Better Fiction
If fiction is what you aspire to, discover the nuts and bolts of the craft with our award-winning monthly newsletter, Fiction Fix.

Tips for Living the Writing Life
It isn't easy being a writer. John Caruso, published author, shares his advice for living the writer's life in our weekly tip-letter, The Daily Grind.

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Writer's Lists

Writing is a solitary craft--when you're working, you're generally working alone. That's why we believe it's important for writers to find a place where they can share their dreams, successes, frustrations, and even questions and answers.

Coffeehouse Buzz 
Offers Bragging Rights

Want to shout your writing successes to the rooftops? The NEW spam-free Coffeehouse Buzz encourages shameless self-promotion. Subscribe to our friendly new list and rejoice in the successes of your fellow writers, while sharing some of your own! We think it's not only inspirational, it's motivational.

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WriterSwap Knowledge Exchange

If you need help researching information for your article, story or novel, look no further than our WriterSwap list. This active list allows writers to share their experiences and expertise, and aid their fellow writers in the process.

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The Poetry Cafe

"You're a poet and don't know it!" How many times did you hear that silly phrase when you were a child, after you'd accidentally rhymed a few words? Well--maybe we really are poets, and rhyming has little to do with it. The Poetry Caf� is for the undiscovered poet in all of us. Share the verses you've kept hidden and rub elbows with fellow "closet poets."

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Coffeehouse Writing Perc

What's a writing perc?  It's about brewing ideas.  We use the concept of freewriting to help you tap into your subconscious mind, where all the creative energy lies. Each week, you'll receive an assignment of sorts, prompting you to freewrite about a certain subject. You may write on our subject, or one of your choosing, but the key is you must write--it's what writers do.

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Coffeehouse Percolator

This list complements the Writing Perc list. It's a discussion and critique forum where writers can share their freewriting and receive feedback. Freewriting often turns into stories and essays.

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Reader's Corner

Writers are also readers!  In the Reader's Corner we'll recommend a new book each month for our members to read. Most often, our choices will be literary, but sometimes we'll select a bestseller just so we can tear it apart, examine it, and try to figure out how it attained its chart-topping status.  Come join in the conversation as we gather 'round our own special table at the Coffeehouse to talk literature. 

Click here to learn more and find out how to join.

Coffeehouse Lounge

So you've got your double latte in hand and you're looking for some conversation. Step in here and find yourself a place to sit, maybe in one of those overstuffed recliners, or in that papa-san chair, or on one of those beanbags over by the wood stove. It's just us writers in here, relaxing and talking up whatever comes to mind. Come on in. You're in good company. Welcome to the Coffeehouse Lounge!

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Bird by Bird
By Anne Lamott

This wise, funny, inspirational book is a must for any writer. Anne Lamott shares advise on writing and living with empathy, candor, and a wicked sense of humor. Don't be surprised if you find yourself laughing aloud one minute, and wiping a tear the next.



The Nasty Little Writing Book
   by Madelyne S. Rovenhauer

Don't buy this book unless you can laugh at yourself and the writing "game." Don't buy it if you're easily wounded or discouraged. Madelyne Simone Rovenhauer takes no prisoners--but if you're in the mood for some brilliantly honest satire, take a look.

If You Want To Write
   by Brenda Ueland

This book so speaks to the contemporary writer that it is nearly impossible to believe it was originally published in 1938. Brenda Ueland sets forth not just a philosophy about how to write or how to create, but also about how to live.

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