Learn to write scenes your readers want to read over and over, by making them satisfying, thrilling, and alive.
Recommendation for class: at least one scene on which you want to work.
1. What are scenes? Introduction to scenes in film, theatre, books and the situations in public where someone might say: �Stop making a scene!� These embarrassing scenes can actually be helpful.
2. Basic mechanics of scenes: Who, what, where, when, how, why, POV?
3. Advanced mechanics of scenes: Background activities, characters� desires, conflict, climax, twists, turns, revelations and setbacks
4. Techniques for putting the reader there: Verb tense, body language, showing vs telling, dialogue, internal monologue
5. Your scene and the rest of your book: transitions, leading up to a scene, follow up, sequence of scenes
Workshop duration: 2-day workshop
Tuition: $49.00