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...I hate to see this class end.  I can�t tell you how much I appreciate being the recipient of your knowledge and expertise.  Thank you again.

Thanks so much for your time in taking me through structure. It has been really useful for me. Now when I start reading a book, I mark off the middle page and see how close to the middle the midpoint of the plot occurs.  I have been surprised by the number of times it is so close to the exact page.
 ~ Kathryn

Victoria, I wanted you to know that my fantasy novelette "Suck of Clay, Whir of Wheel" that I began in your class last fall has found a home. It will be in the twenty-third issue of "Challenging Destiny" which is a magazine sold though Fictionwise. Needless to say I am thrilled. Thank you for the part you played in my first fiction publication,
~ Pat Esden

Thank you for a wonderful class! I learned a ton and am more comfortable with the research I need to do and how to go about it. The exercises made me think about some of the smaller details that I probably would have missed on my own. And thanks for the validation and encouragement on my novel. This class was the motivation I needed to break out of my procrastination streak and get back to work on it!

More Testimonials

Words, Sentences, Scenes and More

Facilitator:  Victoria Grossack
Please note!  The workshop is conducted in English but if you are working or would be more comfortable doing the assignments in German or French Victoria will be happy to work with you.

Workshop Syllabus

Internationally published author Victoria Grossack gives you insight into your writing, by teaching you how to focus on the different levels of structure that impact your fiction - from the words that make up your sentences and paragraphs, to the scenes and chapters and even the structure of your book. 

Includes at least one critique by facilitator of your five-page scene

Week 1:  Overview, Words and Phrases

We begin the workshop with an analysis of the building blocks of literature.

Week 2:  Sentences, Paragraphs, Scenes (1)

In this week we tackle another level of structure, and begin to see interaction between the different levels.

Week 3Scenes (2), Chapters

This week we discuss the structural aspect of scenes and chapters. 

Week 4:  Books, Series, Other Literature

This week we expand our horizons to consider the full work of fiction, series, and how other works can influence our own.

By the end of the workshop, students will understand and be able to use the different levels of structure to enhance their own work, as well as analyze the work of other writers.

There are no prerequisites for this workshop, but students will benefit far more if they have a project of their own to consider.   The more effort they put into the course, the more rewards they will reap!

About the Facilitator: "This well-written book, about an intelligent, observant and questioning woman to whom big events happen, is riveting." That's what the Associated Press says about Grossack & Underwood's book, Iokaste: The Novel of the Mother-Wife of Oedipus, which was published in English in 2004 and was translated into Greek in 2006. Victoria Grossack is also a regular columnist for Fiction Fix, has published articles and short stories for various magazines. She is creating a set of novels placed in Bronze Age Greece with her frequent collaborator, Alice Underwood. Visit www.tapestryofbronze.com, and read about Iokaste and other works in progress.

Registration: Select the payment service you want to use.
Workshop Duration: 4 weeks  

Scheduled Sessions for 2012:

January 16th

February 20th

March 26th

April 30th

May 28th

June 25th

August 20th

September 24th

October 29th

November 26th

December 31st


Payment Services via Paypal:

Select your session

IMPORTANT!  Your receipt and information will come to the e-mail address associated with your PayPal account.  If you do not check this account, you will not receive your receipt or workshop invitation!

To pay by check or money order CLICK HERE
By registering, you indicate that you have read our 
Workshop Terms of Service.


Books recommended on this page are not required reading for participation in the course.

The Shelters of Stone
by Jean Auel

War and Remembrance
by Herman Wouk

Pope Joan
by Donna Woolfolk Cross

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