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Facilitator:  SANDRA KISCHUK

Workshop Syllabus

One of the fastest ways to jump start your writing career is to hire an editor to get the �skinny� on what�s working in your writing and what is not. An editor may correct your grammar, spelling, and punctuation�explain the how�s and why�s of sentence structure, pacing, plot and character development, and hooks�and, in the case of this course, accelerate your learning curve by giving you individualized instruction on how to improve your writing. You will submit an initial 10 pages and the editor will work through it, marking potential changes through Word�s �track changes� function, and letting you know the reasons for the suggested changes. The actual number of pages edited will depend on the depth of changes required, so prepare to submit rewrites and additional material.

Most professional editors charge $50 to $100 per hour, so this course, at $110 for four weeks with a minimum guarantee of 4 hours applied to your work, is a bargain. Because of the intense, personal nature of this course, enrollment is limited.

Sandra Jean Kischuk, Professional Writer and Coach

Objective: To improve writing skills and increase the marketability of students' works.


About the Facilitator:
Sandra Kischuk
writer, fine artist, and success coach, writes award-winning fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and scripts. She has been the featured speaker at business network organizations and numerous Florida writing groups.

Sandra has done technical writing, advertising copy writing, and video scripting. Her articles about research in the University of South Florida College of Engineering were published statewide and nationally. She maintains 5 websites for a physician, writes bios for USF's College of the Arts, and prepares online continuing education courses for dental professionals. Her free weekly email newsletter is distributed to over 7,000 people on six continents.

She holds a BS in Business Administration, an MS in Management Information Systems, and a Masters Certificate in Project Management. She had top scholarship in Fine Arts at Indiana University and used to do courtroom art for a CBS affiliate. Each year she judges a writing contest sponsored by the Hillsborough Council Teachers of English and edits and compiles the Tampa Writers Alliance Wordsmith anthology. She lives and works in Tampa, FL. Her writing website is: www.SandraKischuk.com.

Registration: Select the payment service you want to use.
Workshop Duration: 4 weeks  

Scheduled Sessions for 2012:


January 16th

February 20th

March 26th

April 30th

May 28th

June 25th

August 20th

September 24th

October 29th

November 26th

December 31st


Payment Services via Paypal:

Select your session

IMPORTANT!  Your receipt and information will come to the e-mail address associated with your PayPal account.  If you do not check this account, you will not receive your receipt or workshop invitation!

To pay by check or money order CLICK HERE
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Workshop Terms of Service.