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Promotion 101: From
Beginning to End
Ayn Hunt Multi-published writer Ayn Hunt will show students the ins and outs of pre-publication tools as well as the various types of promotion to make their books stand out. In this eight-week, interactive course students will learn how to write eye-catching queries to both agents and publishers, what a synopsis is and isn�t, and how to write one; writing that all-important marketing plan which many publishers and agents now require, and the difference between e-publishers and traditional publishers. In addition, students will also begin to practice on-line promoting which we�ll cover in class; person-to-person, off-line promoting, which will also be discussed; places students can list their books for free; the advantages and disadvantages of doing on-line chats, giving talks, and speaking engagements, and how to have a successful book-signing
Week 1:
Synopsis Week
E-Publishers versus
Traditional Publishers
Week 3:
On-Line Promotion
4: Prerequisite: None. About the Facilitator: Ayn Hunt is a full-time writer and lifelong Texan who has wanted to write ever since she can remember. She's the author of three published Gothic Mysteries: Unwilling Killers, Obsessed and The Haunting. Because she strives for realism in her books she started researching ghosts several years ago and now has a nonfiction newsletter about them called Haunted Happenings. In addition to going out to the several hundred subscribers who request it by e-mail, it also appears on the website of AnotherRealm.com and GottaWriteNetwork.com, where Ayn is the Paranormal editor. She also writes freelance articles which have appeared in various on-line publications such as Neverary.com and WomenonWriting.com. Married for 32 years, she loves cats, taking long walks and reading everything that crosses her path.
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Recommended The following books are not required purchases for this course, but are highly recommended by the facilitator.
Contract Bride Bob was desperate. He had a once in a lifetime chance to become a millionaire. But in order to get his hands on the 20 million bucks left to him by his late aunt he had to get married and father a child within ten months. Kayla was equally desperate. Let go when her boss was fired Kayla was unemployed and living beyond her means. She was about to be kicked out of her apartment and about to have her car repossessed. Desperate to hang onto her apartment she took a job at Bob's friend's topless maid service. But when Bob offered her the chance to make two million dollars by signing his contract, becoming his wife and having his child she jumped at the chance.
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