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Say Goodbye to Writer's Block!

Facilitator:  Serena Wadhwa Psy.D., LCPC, CADC

Workshop Syllabus

Have you experienced a sense of �stuckness� with your writing? Feel like it�s a struggle to move forward even though the desire is there? Then this workshop is for you. We will explore ten �blocks to change� that may be affecting your writing goals. Additionally, several strategies will be reviewed to help �unblock� your path to moving forward. Some blocks explored include fear, procrastination, doubt, writer�s block, and six others. We�ll explore how to use your mind, body, and spirit to manage, reduce, or perhaps eliminate the impact of these blocks.

Week 1Setting the Scene

This session focuses on a general overview of blocks to change and the specific blocks we�ll be covering. Week one covers two blocks and provides exercises and activities to increase your awareness of how these blocks may be affecting you. Strategies will also be provided to help manage these blocks. Participants will have assignments for the week relating to these blocks/strategies.

Week 2Blocks 3, 4 and 5

This week will be devoted to three additional blocks to change and the exercises and activities to increase your awareness of how these blocks may be interfering with your writing goals. Additional strategies will be provided as well as assignments for the week.

Week 3Blocks 6, 7 and 8

We will review and work on the next three blocks to change as well as strategies to attempt at managing, reducing or eliminating these blocks.

Week 4Blocks 9 and 10 and Final Words

Finally, the last week will cover the remaining blocks to change, related assignments and strategies and questions you may have. We will review the blocks discussed and the tools to dismantle those blocks.

This course is designed to teach participants to recognize blocks to change and how these factors may be affecting their writing. For one month we will be looking at 10 blocks to change, increasing awareness and knowledge about these blocks and developing initial skills to help manage, reduce or eliminate these.


Required Reading:  None

About the Facilitator: Serena Wadhwa Psy.D., LCPC, CADC has published articles and works relating to stress and other psychological afflictions that keep individuals from moving forward. She currently provides therapeutic services, workshops and consultations, and serves as a faculty member at Governors State University.

Registration: Select the payment service you want to use.
Workshop Duration: 4 weeks  

Scheduled Sessions for 2012:


January 16th

February 20th

March  26th

April 30th

May 28th

June 25th

August 20th

September 24th

October 29th

November 26th

December 31st




Payment Services via Paypal:

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IMPORTANT!  Your receipt and information will come to the e-mail address associated with your PayPal account.  If you do not check this account, you will not receive your receipt or workshop invitation!

To pay by check or money order CLICK HERE
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Workshop Terms of Service.


Books recommended on this page are not required reading for participation in the course.

There are no recommended books for this course.