The Fiction Fix Archive is a collection of articles from previous issues. 

All of these articles are the sole property of the author.  The unauthorized use or reprinting of an article is illegal, and will be prosecuted at the discretion of the author.

If the article is re-printed in another publication, the author may request that the article be removed from our archives.  In which case, of course, you won't see it here.

If you are looking for an article that no longer appears, contact us for information and we will help you find the article's new home.

If you are a writer who was published in a past Fiction Fix issue and would like to re-publish your article(s) or have them added to our archive, let us know.  We can do that!

August/September, 2009

A Piece of My Mind: Something to Ponder

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz compares shows on The Food Network with writing challenges and methods.  Food for thought.

Facts in Fiction

Author and columnist Victoria Grossack discusses truth in fiction.  Where is it appropriate/inappropriate?  Where do you draw the line?

Revision: Doing a Part-Whole Analysis of Your Story

Another tool for your toolbox!  Paul Alan Fahey shows how to use this technique to revise your work.  Self-editing is hard.  Stephen King calls it "killing your children".  See if this technique works for you!

The Fully Realized, Completely Materialized Character (steps onto the stage)

Author Robert Walker discusses a demanding character and how that character can force you to tell his story.

June/July, 2009

A Piece of My Mind: What Does The Food Network Have To Do With Writing?

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz compares shows on The Food Network with writing challenges and methods.  Food for thought.

The Art of Gardening Words

Freelance writer Gay Ingram compares writing to gardening.  A new way of thinking about your work.  Speaking of which I need to weed.....

The Stalled Story: Part Two

Here are some tools for your toolbox!  Paul Alan Fahey shares shares a technique he uses to get past a stalled story.  Here is where self-analysis can free your mind and your story!

May, 2009

A Piece of My Mind: Do Not Assume Rudeness

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz  imparts a little advice.  Who do you want to HEAR your story?

Raising the Stakes

Author Victoria Grossack discusses using 'stakes' in our stories can help us achieve greater 'grip' in our plot.  Read on!

Just Show and Not Tell - Easier Said Than Done

Paul Alan Fahey shares how he used a writing assignment to overcome issues he found in his own work.  Not easy.

Find the Hidden Opportunities in the Fiction Writing Market

Freelance writer Patricia Fry shares advice about finding out-of-the-way places to sell your writing.  You're in for a few surprises.

April, 2009

A Piece of My Mind: Paper or Plastic?

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz discusses the high and the low tech of writing. 

Why Doesn't the Dog Bark?

Spring is the time for plot holes*.  Victoria Grossack shows us how to find them and make them work for us rather than against us.

*Sorry for the terrible pun. For those who are not from the Midwest U.S., pot holes are sections of concrete in the street that collapse when the weather warms, making a hole.  You may not see them, but when your car or bicycle tire hits one it can do anything from scare you to cost a pretty penny fixing your vehicle. 

March, 2009

The Order of Things

Author and columnist Victoria Grossack discusses the order of events in a story, and the order in which you tell your reader about these events.

A Piece of My Mind: Repeat Performances

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz gives us advice worth repeating. 

The Clam Before the Storm

Professional writer Carol Lindsay discusses proofreading your own work.  Don't rely on computer programs to correct your work.

February, 2009

What Fiction Writers Can Learn From Others: Part Two

Author and columnist Victoria Grossack continues her discussion about finding solid writing lessons from other entertainment genres.

6 Steps to Writing Flash Fiction

Columnist Paul Alan Fahey quickly discusses flash fiction. 

Novel Ways to Promote Your Novel

Author Patricia Fry suggests ways to promote your novel.  It's a tough job!  Let's make it interesting.

January, 2009

Finding Time to Write

Freelance author Ruth O'Neil offers encouragement and suggestions for busy writers.

What Fiction Writers Can Learn From Others

In part one of this article author and columnist Victoria Grossack discussing finding solid writing lessons from other entertainment genres.

The Writing Box

Columnist Paul Alan Fahey has a great idea for keeping supplies at hand - keeping you focused on your writing. 

A Piece of My Mind: Writers and the Economy

Regular columnist Bennet Pomerantz discusses the economic downturn and the publishing industry.

December, 2008

Better to Give than to Receive

Author and columnist Victoria Grossack discusses the gifts you give in your writing.

Exercising Your Voice

Columnist Paul Alan Fahey writes about finding the voice in your writing. 

Revamp those Clichs

Author Gay Ingram discusses the use of clich�s.  Avoid them like the plague?  Maybe...

A Piece of My Mind: Funny You Should Ask

Regular columnist Bennet Pomerantz updates us about his work and where he's been the last few months.

November, 2008

Publish Your Writing Article in Fiction Fix!

Remember, this is a newsletter from a writing community.  That means we are interested in what is happening to you in your writing career.  Send us articles about your experiences and the techniques you found for success.

Fiction Fix Moving to Bravenet

Due to excessive price increases on our current mail host, this newsletter will be moving to a new host. This website url will remain unchanged.  If you would like to continue receiving Fiction Fix, please click here to subscribe to the new mailing list.

Valuable Villains

Author and columnist Victoria Grossack shows us what it is that makes a villain good - or bad.

Lights, Camera, Flash!

Columnist Paul Alan Fahey shares his screen-writing approach to flash fiction.  How can you provide a rewarding story in less than 1,000 words?


Do you want to share your story but aren't confident about writing it?  Here are some ideas that may help.

October, 2008

Welcome to the latest edition of Fiction Fix!  After a two-month hiatus, Fiction Fix is back on a regular monthly schedule.  This short issue features an article from regular contributor Victoria Grossack and a special reprint from our archives.

Publish Your Writing Article in Fiction Fix!

Remember, this is a newsletter from a writing community.  That means we are interested in what is happening to you in your writing career.  Send us articles about your experiences and the techniques you found for success.

Getting Started - Again

Author and columnist Victoria Grossack discusses ways to help you start a new project, or start a project anew.

Writing is Not a Trip to the Dentist
(even if it sometimes feels like one)

Freelance writer Hannah Six discusses misperceptions that may be standing in the way of your writing.


July, 2008

Writing Through Pain

Author and columnist Victoria Grossack discusses writing through physical pain. 

A Piece of My Mind:

The entertainment world has lost two great men: George Carlin and Tim Russert.  Columnist Bennet Pomerantz shares his thoughts about these men.

The Day the Laughter Died

Tim Russert Quotes and Comments

June, 2008

Editing, Aristotle and the Unities - Part Two

In this second of a two-part article author and columnist Victoria Grossack brings you ancient tools honed in Vulcan's forge (or as close to it as we're allowed to get).

A Piece of My Mind: Yahoo! Answers

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz shares his answers to some questions he found online.

The Four Star Treatment

Here is a tool from my writers' toolbox.  How to avoid brain cramp.

May, 2008

Editing, Aristotle and the Unities

Roll up your sleeves! Author and columnist Victoria Grossack brings you ancient tools honed in Vulcan's forge (or as close to it as we're allowed to get).

A Piece of My Mind: My Life and Welcome To It!

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz discusses missing deadlines and the writing life.

February/March, 2008

February/ Editing for Consistency

Author and columnist Victoria Grossack discusses consistency in writing and how to edit your work to meet your goals. 

March/ Editing: Questions and Answers

This month Victoria discusses how writing establishes its own questions, and how you can identify them and answer them in your work. 

A Piece of My Mind: Being a Writer

Columnist and writer Bennet Pomerantz discusses what it means to live the life of a writer. 

January, 2008

Resolutions for the Writer

Author and columnist Victoria Grossack discusses how you can roll up your sleeves and prepare yourself for writing this year. 

A Piece of My Mind: The Writer's Strike and You

Columnist and writer Bennet Pomerantz shares some wisdom and insight into the Writer's Guild of America strike and what it may mean for our future.

December, 2007

Your Computer & Your Creativity

Columnist and author Victoria Grossack discusses the pros and cons of computers and writing.

A Piece of My Mind: Wisdom From Others

Columnist and writer Bennet Pomerantz shares quotes and wisdom about writing from a writer's point of view.

October, 2007

My Point of View on Point of View

Columnist and author Victoria Grossack continues her discussion about the tricky - but important - subject of Point of View.  Roll up your sleeves and dig in!

A Piece of My Mind: Death Comes in Threes

Columnist and writer Bennet Pomerantz shares his memories of three writers that we (the writing community) have recently lost.  Read about these writers and remember: we are gifts to one another. 

Writing, Rewriting, and � Hair?

Freelance writer and editor Ocieanna Fleiss discusses the painful and ultra-important job of rewriting and self editing.  Hairstyling might not be painful but editing yourself?  Oh yeah!

September, 2007

My Point of View on Point of View

Columnist and author Victoria Grossack delves into the tricky - but important - subject of Point of View.  Roll up your sleeves and dig in!

A Piece of My Mind: Work in Progress

Columnist and writer Bennet Pomerantz discusses a crippling writing problem.  See that this isn't happening to you!

August, 2007

Grammatical Groping

Columnist and author Victoria Grossack discusses some of her (least) favorite grammatical conundrums.

A Piece of My Mind: Advice for a New Writer

Columnist and writer Bennet Pomerantz answers an e-mail from an aspiring writer.  His advice is for us all - new or not-so-new.

July, 2007

A Piece of My Mind: Dos and Don'ts of Workshops

Columnist and professional writer, Bennet Pomerantz discusses the importance of writing workshops and classes - and how to take them.

Are You Feeling Me?

Writer and editor Ocieanna Fleiss shows us how to glean writing skills from watching movies (and reading, and watching people....oh just read the article).

Grammatical Griping

The English language is our stock in trade.  Victoria Grossack takes us all to task about our grammar.  Take these words to heart!

Are You a Write-a-holic?

Freelance writer and published author, Patricia Fry discusses some of the dangers of writing and how we can help ourselves.

June, 2007

Interview with a Book Seller

Daniel Goldin of Harry W. Schwartz Books

Read this column for some good, solid advice.

Who Speaks? Pointers about Attribution in Dialogue

Victoria Grossack talks about talking in your writing.  When characters converse, how do you keep who said what clear?

A Piece of My Mind: The BOOK

What will they think of next?  Bennet Pomerantz clues us in to a new and exciting product.

Keep Fiction Fix Free!

Help us keep this newsletter subscription-free.

May, 2007

Interview with a Book Seller

Chris Hardy, a bookseller in Pryor, Oklahoma

Meet an energetic man with good advice for writers.

Satisfaction Through Frustration: Why Don't You Reach The End?

Victoria Grossack questions why it can be so hard to complete projects.

A Piece of My Mind: Another Voice in the Crowd

Bennet Pomerantz introduces us to Rebekah Corcoran - or rather lets Rebekah introduce herself.  What is it like to be a new author trying to break in to the business?

The Beginning of The End

Ron Samul explores the idea of writing your novel with the end firmly in mind.

Everybody Wants Something - Do You Know How To Critique?

Kellee Kranendonk discusses the importance of critiquing work and how to add your comments in a easy-to-reference way.

April 2007

Interview with a Bookseller: Amelia Reisling

Amelia Reisling of Books Without Borders introduces us to the world of her store in this conversation with Victoria Grossack.

Interview with a Bookseller: Gayle Shanks

Gayle Shanks shares her wisdom born of 33 years in the bookselling business in her interview with Victoria Grossack.

A Piece of My Mind: Bits and Pieces

Bennet Pomerantz muses about the future of books and the writing profession. Also, he gives us a surprise.

Satisfaction Through Frustration: Part of the Satisfied Reading Experience

Victoria Grossack explores the use of frustration in literature and how you can use it to enhance your work.

Brave New Worlds?

Here is something interesting I found while perusing the Internet. See if any of these options appeal to you.


March, 2007

Interviews with Book Sellers

Laura Hansen of Bookin' It

Victoria Grossack introduces us to Laura Hansen a bookstore owner who is passionate about books and writing.

Pam Headrick of A Thirsty Mind

Pam Headrick shows how her bookstore is very connected to her community in a conversation with Victoria Grossack.

A Piece of My Mind: I do not know what to write today

Bennet Pomerantz shares his writer's block with us.  Well, no not really - oh just read on...

The Reader�s Emotional Journey: Putting Your Readers There

Victoria Grossack shows the importance of involving your readers, and many roads to get there.

Yes, You Can Make Money Writing Fiction

Author and freelance writer, Patricia Fry shares her ideas for making a living doing what we love best.

February, 2007

Interviews with Book Sellers

Conversation with Cindy Heidemann of Publishers Group West

Victoria Grossack introduces us to Cindy Heidemann, a publisher's representative with a different view of the bookselling world.

Conversation with Fern Jaffe of Paperbacks Plus

Fern Jaffe shares the wisdom of her 37 years of bookselling experience in a conversation with Victoria Grossack.

 A Piece of My Mind: Writing for the Theater

The ever-versatile Bennet Pomerantz shares his rules for playwrights.

The Reader�s Emotional Journey: Spotlight on the Experience of the Satisfied Reader Experience

Victoria Grossack explores the value of crafting your writing to the type of experience you want the reader to have.

January, 2007

Interviews with Book Sellers

Karen Hopkins of Random House

Karen is a publisher's rep with insight for writers from a publisher point of view. 

Cindi White of Title Wave Books

Cindi is Manager of Processing for the largest independent bookstore in Alaska.

A Piece of My Mind: Advice

With a new year columnist Bennet Pomerantz shares some new, and old, advice.

The Satisfied Reader Experience
Part 1: Spotlight on the Reader

Victoria Grossack discusses the importance of your reader and their experience with your book.

December, 2006

Interview With a Book Seller

Karen Spengler and Becci West from I Love a Mystery

Meet the owner and the manager of I Love A Mystery bookstore in Mission, Kansas. 

Conversation with Betsy Burton of The King's English

Betsy Burton is the owner of The King's English bookstore in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

Thank you, Victoria!

A Piece of My Mind: A Writer's Lament

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz shares with us the pain (and the victory) of the writing life.

Barbs from the Bard and Other Great Insults

Victoria Grossack shares with us the wit and drama of the insult.  Dare we use them?

November, 2006

Interview With a Book Seller

This month, Victoria Grossack interviews two more booksellers.

Interview with Lyn Roberts

Lyn is the General Manager of Square Books in Oxford, Misisippi.

Interview with Leia Taylor

Leia and her daughter Anne own Creatures 'n Crooks Bookshoppe in Richmond, Virginia.

Thank you, Victoria!

A Piece of My Mind: Evanovich's New Folly

A holiday gift early!  Bennett Pomerantz introduces us to Janet Evanovich's new book on writing.

Do You Hear Voices?

Victoria Grossack discusses how to find voice in your writing and characters

How to Sell Fiction on the Internet

Susan L. Wiener shares some sage advice about writing for this new medium.

October 2006

Interview With a Book Seller

Victoria Grossack embarks on a new adventure!  She will interview booksellers and book store managers from all over the U.S. and who knows.   Here are the first two interviews in this new series:

Interview with Susan Warren

Susan is a bookseller in Southport, North Carolina.

Interview with Mitchell Kaplan

Mitchell is a bookseller in three locations in Florida, and an online site.

Thank you, Victoria!

A Piece of My Mind: Writing in Another's Universe

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz discusses the art of FanFic (Fan Fiction) and FanFic writers. 

We All Need Someone To Love: Creating Characters Readers Will Care About

Victoria Grossack discusses crafting characters to catch and hold the reader's attention. 

September 2006

Writing News

Bennet Pomerantz introduces us to a new writer, Brian Stelter.  Brian is a blogger who' a "must read"  for TV news insiders - and he's 20 years old!

The World of Other Literature

Author and teacher Victoria Grossack concludes her series on levels of structure with this analysis of literature.  Why should other literature matter to your work?

The Coffeehouse is pleased to offer a new online workshop based on Victoria's analysis of literature series.  Click HERE to read more about it!

A Piece of My Mind: It's That Time Again

Banned Book Week is right around the corner!  Columnist Bennet Pomerantz reminds us to be prepared.

What is the Internet?

Kathy Dix, editor and Publisher of the Aynor Journal Newspaper, shares with us her thoughts about the Internet.

August, 2006

What Are They Thinking?

Author and teacher Victoria Grossack discusses delving into the mind of the character.  How do you communicate the inner thoughts to your audience?

A Piece of My Mind: Two Deaths, Two Different Authors

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz shares remembrance of two writers lost on the same day.  Both were influential in their own particular way.

The Art of The Serial

Sheri Gormley, Director of Marketing for Virtual, discusses and old and yet new again genre: Like Arthur Conan-Doyle and Charles Dickens, you can be a part of this exciting style.  Are you ready for the challenge?

July, 2006

A Piece of My Mind: Net Resources

Bennet Pomerantz offers advice for researching information and jobs on the Internet .

Self-Publish for Free

Writer and programmer Clay Shannon offers his share-ware to help get your book published on your web site.  Getting your book out there can help you get attention!

Disclaimer: Coffeehouse for Writers does not endorse any product advertised or discussed on this site. 

June, 2006

A Piece of My Mind: Book Expo 2006

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz reviews this year's convention.

What's in a Name?

Author and teacher Victoria Grossack discusses the use and importance of character names.

May, 2006

A Piece of My Mind: Three Strikes for Writers

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz continues his discussion about ethics in modern writing.  Are we as writers destroying opportunities for ourselves and others?  Think about it!

LOC Regarding Dan Brown

Recent articles by Bennet Pomerantz have encouraged interesting e-mail discussion.  Here Bennet shares one of them with you.

April, 2006

A Piece of My Mind: Dan Brown

Last month, columnist Bennet Pomerantz addressed the issue of fabrication in journalism.  This month he discusses a similar, but rather sinister subject: stealing research.  Is it a form of plagiarism?  Will the courts decide?

Writer's Block Remedies

Just in time for spring and interesting things going on outside the window, author Victoria Grossack discusses how to keep these and other distractions from stealing your writing time.

To Be or What? Art Buchwald and Death

Bennet Pomerantz takes a quick moment to say goodbye and thank you to an influential and much loved writer.


With assignment four in this series, Bennet Pomerantz introduces us to a new writer, Jennifer Granville. 

March, 2006

A Piece of My Mind: How the Frey Affair Affects You

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz addresses a trend in nonfiction journalism: fabrication.  This issue has serious consequences, and not only for the writer.

February, 2006

A Piece of My Mind: What Books or Authors Inspired or Influenced You?

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz answers an e-mail and shares his thoughts with us.

Writing in Pairs

Collaboration, sharing, and partnership are Victoria Grossack's subject this month.


A new ASSIGNMENT: WRITER for February, and an extension for Assignment One.  Check in with Bennet Pomerantz for a challenge.

January 2006

A short newsletter for a busy month. Here's hoping that the holidays were good to you and yours. Here's also hoping that you are making time for yourself and your writing.

Write to us here at the Coffeehouse and let us know about your work and how you do it!

A Piece of My Mind: Stealing From the Classics

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz discusses mining the classics for ideas and themes.

December 2005

Under Construction

November, 2005

Now that the squirrels have eaten your pumpkins, the days are growing short, and holidays loom on the horizon, we invite you to take stock of your time.  Take the chance now to make appointments with yourself.  Set aside time to indulge your writing.  It's as important as anything else you will do this month - or next.

Author Showcase: Bruce Coville

This month Bennett Pomerantz introduces us to Bruce Coville.  Now, I know a lot of you have already read his work but take this opportunity to get to know this prolific author.   

How to Get - and Take - Criticism

Hey! This is a very important subject.  Victoria Grossack addresses the very real need for criticism and how you can handle it - and grow.

A Piece of My Mind: Double Trouble

Bennet Pomerantz and Bennet Pomerantz would like to share their wisdom about writing and the narrative hook.

The Writers' Craft

Writer and editor Betsy Tice White shares her thoughts about using words that work - exploring the richness of our language.


A lot of you have been asking for writing assignments.  Bennet Pomerantz offers a new column, ASSIGNMENT: WRITER.  These fun and useful exercises can help you grow in the craft!

October, 2005

Sensible, Sensitive Sentences

Victoria Grossack explores the sentence and its impact on your writing.

Author Showcase: Batton Lash

Meet graphic novel author Batton Lash.  His work includes Wolff and Byrd, Supernatural Law, and Mavis

A Piece of My Mind: Computer Problems

Bennet Pomerantz offers some excellent advice about computer failure, worms, and how to avoid personal tragedy when the computer goes haywire.

Still Writing � It�s Not Too Late

Amanda Sammons from BookPros offers some advice about paying attention to the more commercial aspects of being a writer.

September, 2005

Easing in the Unknown: Seven Hints on How to Incorporate Information into Historical Fiction

Victoria Grossack discusses how to educate the reader without losing momentum.

Author Showcase: Elaine Viets

Meet Elaine Viets, a mystery writer that calls

"Six feet tall and bulletproof -- these attributes apply equally to Elaine Viets and her creation, Francesca Vierling. Well, bulletproof doesn't really apply, but sassy, brassy, and tall most certainly do."

A Piece of My Mind: Must Love Dogs

Bennet Pomerantz mines the personal ads for character ideas.

The Beginning is the Ending Contest!

See the winning and second place entry!

July, 2005

To Market, To Market

Sally Fradkin shares a bit of her experience in publishing her first book.

Creating the Demons

Sue Raines covers the chilling subject of the serial killer character.

Your Characters: What Do They Want?

In part one of a new series, Victoria Grossack writes about different types of desires and the portrayal of personality.

Character Traits: An Author's Perspective

Patricia Harrington discusses giving your personal traits (or traits you'd like to have) to your characters.

Zen and the Art of Hype

Bennet Pomerantz tells about Book Expo 2005 and his experience there this year.  ALSO: a call for entries for the second annual "When do you consider yourself a writer?" column.

June, 2005

Ripping the Guts out of Print-On-Demand Publishing

Jim Kohl tells about his experience in the Print-On-Demand world, its pros and cons.

In the Beginning

Sue Raines discusses how crimes get started.  Well, at least the books.

A Piece of My Mind: The IF Factor

What if somebody wrote an article about using WHAT IF?  Bennet Pomerantz gallantly obliges.

This Month's Contest Announcements

Announcements received by the Coffeehouse for Writers website this month. 

May, 2005

Neither snow nor rain shall stop us from sending out the Fiction Fix.  Digging through the phone cable, however, may slow us down.  Apologies for tardiness.

Research - Be Your Own Detective

Sue Raines talks about the importance of research in crime-and-mystery fiction.

Tell, Don't Show

Victoria Grossack discusses when it is best to tell instead of show action in your writing.

A Piece of My Mind: For the Grads 2005

Bennet Pomerantz provides an encouraging commencement speech for those leaving school this year.

This Month's Contest Announcements

Beginning this month, as a response to a request from our readers, we will begin listing the contest announcements received by the Coffeehouse for Writers website. 

Coffeehouse for Writers is not a sponsor of nor affiliated with any of these contests.  CFW makes no assurances or guarantees about the authenticity or reliability of these offers.  

April, 2005

Thank You!

We send out a big thank you to all of the entrants of the Body Language Contest!  Thanks for your time and interest in this contest - the first under the new management.  Aside from the difficult job of judging the entries, this was great fun for us and we hope for you as well.

Keep writing(!!!)  and, of course, sharing with the Coffeehouse for Writers community.

The WINNER of the Body Language Contest!

Writer Beware

Sue Raines discusses the pitfalls of writing a story that resembles another writer's work too closely.

A Piece of My Mind: A Letter From a Reader

Bennet Pomerantz answers a very searching question from a reader.

Quote the Raven

Here's a little extra inspiration for you!  A group of quotes from writers and artists about their craft.  Thanks, Bennet!

March, 2005

Our apologies for the delay in distributing this month's Fiction Fix Newsletter.  Earlier this month, our Internet Service Provider was hit with a Denial of Service Attack that shut down both our website and e-mail system. 

We have recovered and everything seems to be functioning correctly.  So, please enjoy this month's articles!

From Leaves to Forests: Levels of Structure in Writing

Victoria Grossack discusses writing from the point of view of structure and how important structure is to writers.

A Piece of My Mind: Banned Books and Censorship

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz takes on the subject of censorship.

February, 2005

The first thing you will notice is that we've changed the format for the articles.  Several of our readers have mentioned that printing the articles is very difficult in the old format.  This new format allows much easier printing.

Always keep in mind that these articles belong to (are copyrighted by) the author.  Make sure you request permission from the author before using the articles.  I am more than happy to forward any requests.  You may have already noted that these people are VERY GENEROUS with their time and expertise.  Please show them every courtesy.

Also, if you use the articles let the author know where!  This kind of feedback is great food for the soul.

Keep Those Pages Turning

Victoria Grossack takes on the subject of plots.  How do you keep a plot exciting?  Find out.

A Piece of My Mind: If You Ask Me

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz answers some very real questions about the career of writing.  Read on!

Creating Crime and Mystery: Introducing the Means of Murder

Sue Raines gets serious - or at least informative - about the dastardly deed.

January, 2005

The Writer�s Marathon: Seven Challenges of Creating a Successful Series

Victoria Grossack takes a few moments out of her hectic schedule (publicity work for her new novel!!) to discuss the pros and cons of writing series novels.

A Piece of My Mind: When do you consider yourself a writer?

Columnist Bennet Pomerantz and a cast of tens share their feelings about this question.

Creating Crime & Mystery: Let Your Characters Tell the Story.

Sue Raines explores characters, your attention to them, and their contribution to your mystery.

December, 2004

Flesh Out Your Writing With Body Language: Victoria Grossack

A Piece of My Mind - Website Reviews:
Bennet Pomerantz

Creating Crime & Mystery - Plot tides: Sue Raines

November, 2004

Yesterday's Stories and Today's Readers: Joining Setting and Characters through Metaphors and Simile, Victoria Grossack

A Piece of My Mind: Bennet Pomerantz

Creating Crime & Mystery: Sue Raines

October, 2004

Yesterday's Stories and Today's Readers: Historical Fiction : Victoria Grossack

A Piece of My Mind: Bennet Pomerantz

Creating Crime & Mystery: Sue Raines

September, 2004

Word Choices in Historical Fiction: Victoria Grossack

Are You Ready to Write?: Hannah Six

A Piece of My Mind: Bennet Pomerantz

Creating Crime & Mystery: Sue Raines

Beyond F/Fixing Partners in Crime, Australia

August, 2004

Digging into the Past II: Victoria Grossack

Writing is Not a Trip to the Dentist:  Hannah Six

A Piece of My Mind: Bennet Pomerantz

Beyond FFix-ing: From the Editor

July, 2004

Digging into the Past I: Victoria Grossack

Success Story:   Stanley Popovich

A Piece of My Mind:  Bennet Pomerantz

January, 2002

The Writer's Toolbox: Writing Effective Dialog

November 2001

The Writer's Toolbox: What's It All About?

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