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About the Writer:

Stanley Popovich endured his share of fear and anxiety over the years. Unable to find the help he needed, the author decided to undertake his own research. The result is "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods" - an easy to read book based on a combination of research and personal experience. For additional information and to order the book go to:
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How A First Time Author Got His Book on Managing Fear Published
Stanley Popovich
Wondering how to get your writing ideas published? I am a first time author who recently got his self help book on managing fear published. The title of the book is "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods" and is available at my site.

I was able to get my book published even though I didn't have any experience in the publishing field. Let me explain:

Over the years, I collected much information on how to manage fear and anxiety. Although I didn�t have a background in the religious or psychology fields, I did a lot of research including discussions with various professionals - in both fields - on how to manage fear and anxiety. One day I was wondering if I could develop a small book from these notes. I went to the bookstores to read various books on how to submit a book idea to some of the publishing companies. I learned that a writer must first develop a query letter to send to the various publishers and then submit a manuscript. After a good deal of research, I organized my notes into a small manuscript and did much editing to get my manuscript ready to send to the various publishers. I then wrote up a query letter and explained the benefits of how my book was unique to what was on the market. I mentioned that my book would be complete and cover all the ways to manage fear, unlike a lot of other books in the market today. My book would also be easy to read and results oriented, and it would be non technical. I explained that my book provided an important need to people who needed to manage their fear and anxiety.

I then went to some of the writing sites on the Internet that contained a listing of various publishers; publishers that might be interested in my self help book. I then submitted a query letter to these publishers and was eventually asked to submit my manuscript. I followed this process for a little less than a year.

During this time, I talked to various writers on the Internet and asked them how I could increase my chances of getting published. A writer told me that if I focused on the small niche publishing companies, that I would increase my chances of getting my book published. He was right. It took a lot of work and persistence; however I found it much easier to market my book idea to the small Print On Demand Publishing companies. I eventually found a small publishing company who really liked my book idea. I then briefly worked with the publisher to turn my manuscript into a small easy to read book.

I was able to get my book published by explaining the need, and the importance of my book in my query letter, developing a well written manuscript, and focusing on small publishing companies. It is not easy to get your work published, however with a lot of research, persistence and a willingness to continuously improve it is possible.

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