In the first part of this article we discussed
what you need to
research to make your historical fiction authentic for your readers, as
well as
how much research you need to do to give them that
satisfied-reader experience. In this part of the article we�ll go into
where you can locate the information you need.
Doing research may feel like a burdensome chore, rather like doing
homework. But for the writer, who spends so much of her time alone,
conducting research offers a chance to interact with other people,
especially people who are interested in your time period. And the
more it becomes your time period, the more you will most likely enjoy
it. Moreover, many people with expertise will be delighted to help you,
because it gives them the chance to share their knowledge with people
who are truly interested. There are, of course, some who won�t be so
helpful, perhaps because they already receive so many requests.
So, how can you find out what you need to know? Let us list the ways:
The Internet
We are really fortunate to live in the time of the internet, which
growing in content and sophistication all the time. Start with the
search engines, such as google or alta vista. Type in key phrases, and
visit the sites suggested on your screen, and bookmark those which are
most helpful. Warning: make sure you
check more than one source! Some websites in the internet contain
mistakes, and others have really far-out conspiracy theories. Of course,
most of the information on the web has been uploaded by people in good
Also, feel free to write to whoever put together the website � most
of those people will be delighted to know that they have interested
visitors. You can usually find contact instructions somewhere on the
website, although some make it easier to access than others.
Libraries and more importantly, Librarians
Libraries, particularly those which are specialized, may have
collections of books that are out of print. They also often have old
magazines and newspapers, which are a treasure trove for understanding
the past. More importantly, libraries contain librarians: experts
trained conducting research! Librarians might even help you sell the
book (after all, libraries buy plenty of books).
Bookstores, both virtual and real and bookstore owners
On-line bookstores have access to literally millions of titles. And some
of them � such as Amazon � now have access to the text within books, so
that words you type in may result in the texts with the information you
need. There�s also the wonderful feeling of going to a real bookstore,
and flipping through books on the shelves. This, to me, is still the
best way of judging a book, to determine if it�s a worthy edition to add
to my collection.
Note: Ask help the people who work in the bookstore for assistance.
If you end up buying a book, you will pay for any questions. And who
knows, they might just end up selling your book later.
Museums & Museum Staff
Are there museums which you can visit which are relevant to your
research? Going to a museum lets you examine genuine objects from your
particular time period. Once you look at the displays, you may be better
at visualizing the past. But remember, much of what you see will be old,
while in your time period the items were new. The dress would not be
frayed, the blade would not have rusted, the cup would not be tarnished,
and the colors of the paint would not be faded.
And don�t be shy of speaking to the museum staff! Many will be
delighted to have someone show real interest in their displays.
Documentaries and Films
These days you don�t have to get all your information by reading. There
are many detailed documentaries, and they can give you a sense of time
and place and perhaps how things functioned.
Study maps, particularly old maps, or new maps which show where the old
places were. You also may want to look at where minerals and other
natural resources are located in your area, so that you can determine
what your people had access to � and what they did not.
Scene of the Action
Visit the site of your action, even if all that remains of your time
period is a pile of rubble. Still, although the buildings have probably
changed, the geography may be the same (although this too, you may want
to check � when traveling around Thebes in Greece I learned that the
fields north of the city used to be lakes). What mountains could your
characters see when facing, east, south, north or west? What sort of
feeling does the sky give you? Can you describe the contours of the
land? If you can�t go yourself, find guidebooks on the subject.
One of my richest and most enjoyable research experiences happened
during my visit to Thebes in Greece, when I was learning all I could for
the setting for Iokaste: The Novel of the Mother-Wife of Oedipus.
I had made an appointment by fax with the director of the Archaeological
Museum at Thebes. He answered questions, let me thumb through his
library, and showed me recently unearthed shards. He even drove me
around the area to significant sites in �my� legend, including where the
Sphinx might have roamed, where Oedipus might have washed off the blood
after killing his father, and where the sons of Oedipus might be buried.
Send thank-you notes
Show gratitude to those who have helped you by writing a thank-you note.
If the person who helped you is lower down in some organization, send
one to his or her supervisor. That is always appreciated. When the book
is published, send a complementary copy.
List your sources
List your sources, including books, websites, documentaries and people.
This is where you can publicly thank those who were especially helpful.
A bibliography also gives your opus a sense of authenticity. And you
just might help the next author trying to do some research, a student
doing a term paper � or even yourself when you need to research another
Last thoughts
What if you can�t find out what you need to know? What if you have to
make it up? Well, you are writing fiction, historical fiction at that,
so it�s unlikely anyone will sue you. Besides, if you have looked long
and hard and still not been able to determine �the truth,� it is
possible that very few readers, if anyone, would know the �real� answer.
Perhaps your made-up answer, after all your research, is the most
reasonable guess at the truth.
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