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Your List Email
If you've never been in a situation where you've received a lot of email, you may not know some of the methods for managing a busy inbox. But your email program most likely has the ability to help you avoid clutter. Create a Folder Before your workshop begins, consider creating a special folder in your email program that will hold all the messages from the workshop. You may also want to create an archive folder, which will hold all the workshop messages you've already read and keep them for future reference until the end of the course. If you don't know how to create folders, just consult your email program's help file. It's a simple process. Create Message Rules Message rules (or filters) allow your email program to automatically sort your incoming mail into a selected folder. For instance, you may want to create a folder that sorts all mail sent to your workshop's mailing list address (example: [email protected]) into a specified folder. Important: Don't create the message rule using the "from" field, since group list mail comes from the individual students' email addresses, and not the list itself. Your messages will not be properly sorted. Click below for detailed instructions: |
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