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Read what students say about our courses! "Gets you thinking and working on several aspects of your writing. Loved this workshop! Highly recommended for those who lack time and willing to spare 48 hours from their work to work on their writing". Fatmah Ali "Jennifer, your column writing class gave me confidence to share my opinion. The additional tips on finding a niche, how to reach audiences as column writers, and creative prompts for starting stories were very helpful. Your consistent offer to help was very encouraging." M. Hill |
Don't Query, Be Happy! How to Get Published and Paid with Half the Effort -- A 2-day Workshop! Facilitator:
Jennifer Brown Banks Contrary to popular belief, queries are not a prerequisite for publishing success. Don�t Query, Be Happy! is a 2-day information-packed workshop for writers of all levels and genres that provides strategies, techniques, and insider�s tips to help you work smarter not harder! Class participants will discover how to maximize their efforts and their income by knowing which publications to target, how to increase odds for publication, which publishing rules to embrace and which rules to forsake, and the true function of query letters.
Objective: Prerequisite: None About the Facilitator: Jennifer Brown Banks is a veteran freelance writer, popular columnist and former senior editor with over 500 articles, columns, commentary pieces, and short stories published in online and print publications such as: Small Business CEO Magazine, Funds for Writers, Writing for Dollars, Poetic Voices, Online Dating Magazine, Chicago Sun-Times, and Simon and Schuster�s Chocolate series for women. She serves on the Board of Directors for Chicago Writers Association. With the time she saves from not crafting queries, she enjoys watching cooking shows, game show trivia, creating gift baskets, and bargain shopping.
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January 3rd February 7th March 14th April 18th May 23rd June 27th August 1st September 5th October 10th November 14th Payment Services via Paypal:
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Recommended Books recommended on this page are not required reading for participation in the course. There are no recommended books for this course. |