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Discovery Through Journaling

Facilitator:  Yesim Cimcoz

Workshop Syllabus

Journaling is where your creative work begins. The ideas, the thoughts, the dreams and the emotions that swim inside of you find peace on the blank page and open up room for your creative expression. Research has also shown that putting your feelings down on paper, to transfer your emotions on a blank page and to allow words to flow freely can reduce anger and depression significantly. In this course we will introduce you to ways in which you can delve into your own self - ways in which you can release creative energy and make room for creative expression while learning to deal with emotions and issues that hold you back.

Week 1This is where you are.

Self discovery begins with the present. It begins with who you are today. From there we can begin to see how we hold back and what holds us back. We can look at how we see ourselves. In the exercises this week we look at our selves through symbols.

Week 2:  Reflections in the mirror

This week we will continue with the present and looking at who you are today. Our focus will be on our relationship with the world around us, the people in our lives and our reaction to life.  In the exercises this week we will focus on emotions and metaphors to define who we are.

Week 3 The Writings on the wall

Before we can realize our potential we must remove as many obstacles as we can that stand before us. After seeing who we are in the first two weeks, this week we look at how we came to be that person and delve into the labels that we have carried with us along the way.  In these exercises we look at our labels and learn to use letter writing as a tool.

Week 4 The child we left behind

This week we continue working on the past and begin to discover the inner child. We also try to jog our memories of the past to discover where we got stuck. Exercises focus on speaking with the inner child as well as memory exercises.

Week 5: Creating the Future

In the first 4 weeks we looked at where we were and how we got there. This week we will look at where we want to go. Also this week we will look at how creating stories outside ourselves helps us heal. Exercises this week will focus on making lists, future writing and story writing. 

This course is designed to show students how they can begin to use their writing to heal, to discover and to open up the doors to creative expression.  For 5 weeks we will take an overall look at who you are, where you came from and what you want your future to be, you  will also learn to use your own world to create new worlds in writing.


Required Materials:  Spiral Notebook, small notepad or index cards

About the Facilitator:
Yesim Cimcoz has a BA in Creative Writing from George Mason University and an MA in Teaching. Several of her short stories and poems have been published in women�s magazines. She has been teaching journaling and short story writing for the past 10 years in workshops she runs both online and in the real world.  She lives and works in Istanbul, Turkey.

Registration: Select the payment service you want to use.
Workshop Duration: 5 weeks  

Scheduled Sessions for 2011:

January 3rd

February 7th

March 14th

April 18th

May 23rd

June 27th

August 1st

September 5th

October 10th

November 14th

Payment Services via Paypal:




IMPORTANT!  Your receipt and information will come to the e-mail address associated with your PayPal account.  If you do not check this account, you will not receive your receipt or workshop invitation!

To pay by check or money order CLICK HERE
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Books recommended on this page are not required reading for participation in the course.

Writing to Heal the Soul: Transforming Grief and Loss Through Writing
by Susan Zimmernam

Leaving a Trace: On Keeping a Journal
by Alexandra Johnson

Writing to Save Your Live
by Michele Weldon

Writing as a Way of Healing
by Louise DeSalvo

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