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Read what students say about our courses! "Gets you thinking and working on several aspects of your writing. Loved this workshop! Highly recommended for those who lack time and willing to spare 48 hours from their work to work on their writing". Fatmah Ali "Jennifer, your column writing class gave me confidence to share my opinion. The additional tips on finding a niche, how to reach audiences as column writers, and creative prompts for starting stories were very helpful. Your consistent offer to help was very encouraging." M. Hill |
Blogging for Profit or Pleasure Facilitator:
Jennifer Brown Banks Unless you�ve been living under a rock lately you�ve heard the buzz about blogging. And hey, if you�ve haven�t there�s no better time than the present. :-) Here�s the perfect workshop to help fill in all the blanks! This 2-day workshop will address key topics of this popular medium. Join this fun, information packed forum and discover: the 5Ws of Blogging, how to start your blog, a look at various software options, how to successfully promote your blog, how to land blogging jobs, and more!
DAY 1 And more!
Objective: Prerequisite: None About the Facilitator: Jennifer Brown Banks is a veteran freelance writer, columnist and pro blogger. Her work has appeared in numerous influential and award-winning blogs such as: Daily Blog Tips, Blogging pro, Pro Blogger, Men With Pens and Write to Done. Her Blog was chosen as a finalist for the Top 10 Writing Blogs for 2011/2012.
Select the payment service you want to use. Scheduled Sessions for 2012:
January 16th February 20th March 26th April 30th May 28th June 25th August 20th September 24th October 29th November 26th December 31st Payment Services via Paypal: IMPORTANT! Your receipt and information will come to the e-mail address associated with your PayPal account. If you do not check this account, you will not receive your receipt or workshop invitation! To pay by check or money order
Recommended Books recommended on this page are not required reading for participation in the course. There are no recommended books for this course. |